Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Free Enterprise Day

Over the past weekend, September 24-26, I was in Richmond Virginia celebrating Free Enterprise Day. It was an absolutely spectacular event. Over 20,000 entrepreneurs in attendance. With many in attendance travelling great distances to be there. People came from India, Turkey, Trinidad, Canada plus other countries. But what is Free Enterprise Day and why would so many people travel from so far and within the United States to attend?

The United States of America was built with Free Enterprise in mind. That's what made this country great. It is the reason why so many people want to come here from all parts of the world. What I've noticed is that most Americans have forgotten what has made their country so great. The employee mentally has taken hold, which has forced many to live paycheck to paycheck. They often ask themselves how did they get into this position. Was it the life they had dreamed of when they were growing up? I would hope not.

Free Enterprise Day is to celebrate entreperneurs who have not forgotten what has made the United States, the superpower that is is today. This infectious condition has spread to other nations, who are filled with pride for creating a better nation for themselves.

Let's be enterprising again, and keep America great.

If you have thought about business ownership or just want to make more money for your family, visit and view the business options tab.

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